How does an agencies HIPAA practices stack up to the governments?

Agency have their interpretation of HIPAA compliance.  I have worked with hundreds of agencies.  They know that because they signed Business Associate agreements with carriers, they are legally required to be HIPAA compliant.  But, they usually fall well short of what is required.  This could lead to HIPAA breaches and fines that could damage your agencies reputation and put you out of business. 

So, how does an agencies HIPAA practices stack up to the governments?

Agencies version of compliance:

  • lock the door at night
  • fill out authorization forms
  • maintain business associate agreements
  • encrypt PHI emails
  • require computer passwords

The government’s definition is broader than yours and is a moving target. As the industry transforms and new technologies are used, their definition becomes more challenging.

Currently their definition includes:

How can you ensure you are up to speed with the government’s definition of HIPAA Compliance?

1. Perform a HIPAA risk analysis.
2. Document how your office handles PHI.
3. Train your staff regularly on HIPAA related issues.
4. Develop a spirit of HIPAA compliance.
5. Become a GRA PHI365 client.

If you would like to see how you stack up against the government’s HIPAA compliance, fill out this survey or contact us.