Beyond the standard practices, there are numerous benefits to using an HR online benefit administration system. To start, HR benefit administration offers streamlined processes for employers to manage things like onboarding new employees, keeping track of vacation hours, and administering benefits. After your Employee Navigator portal is created by our team, the program is completely self-service – keeping control in the hands of the employers. This eliminates the need to call and submit information on a new employee or member changes, then waiting for the changes to be made. You provide the information directly, and we provide the support.

One of the best processes of an HR online enrollment system is the way it streamlines onboarding new employees. Nobody likes doing stacks and stacks of paperwork on their first day at a new job, and deciphering illegible handwriting can be a constant challenge. Instead of asking your new employee to fill out these important documents by hand, they can register for a free account and begin filling in their information electronically through a quick and easy step-by-step process. Tasks, welcome messages, and tax form questions can be pre-set for the new employee – all available on the extremely user-friendly dashboard. Employees can then track their pay rate, job responsibilities, and goals within their account. Employees will have the ability to log in and update information all year long.

Employee Navigator Enrollment ScreenOnce your new employee inputs their information, they can choose their benefits plans. Employee Navigator can handle a wide range of benefit options, from the standard Medical, Dental and Vision plans to Voluntary Life, Retirement, and Parking plans. The program walks them through the process, explaining every aspect of each plan offered. It even breaks down the cost of each plan by paycheck. One of the more difficult aspects of HR is tracking when employees are eligible to elect benefits, as well as the proper deduction. This difficulty is often compounded by different waiting periods or deductions based on employee locations, division, union vs non-union, or office worker vs field staff. Whatever the case may be, an administration system can help take away the burden. Employee Navigator even has the ability to send reminder emails so that you can stop chasing down employees to complete their benefits.

Take all the complications of just one new hire – from getting their correct address and tax information, to electing benefits – and multiply that by everyone in the company. Add in a deadline of two weeks or less, and you have open enrollment. This is where an online HR administration system can really shine. Employee Navigator can send the initial email, as well as the completion reminder emails. When employees are going through the system, they will be able to see what they currently have and compare that to what will be offered in the future. This is also a great chance for employees to update home addresses, dependents, and beneficiaries.

One of the more underutilized aspects of an HR administration system is the ability to assign different types of tasks to new hires and existing employees. The reporting function from tasks allows you to view when a task was assigned, when it was looked at, and when it was completed. There are a variety of ways to use the task feature. Some of the basics include new employee handbooks and new hire agreements. Is there a training video that you need employees to watch? The tasks can handle it. Are there legal compliance documents that you need a record of providing to your employees? The task feature and reporting was made just for this.

Speaking of compliance – let’s talk about ACA filling. Since Employee Navigator has the work and enrollment history of each employee for the year, filing the 1095s and 1094 has finally become a simple process. No more writing out each employee form by hand or trying to decipher which code goes where. An HR administration system takes away a lot of that for you.

Do you need a better vacation request procedure? Employee Navigator covers that, too. Under the Time Off tab, employees can request days off through the calendar application, view their upcoming days off, their approved vacation requests, and the vacation time they have left. No more confusion over who has what day off and why. Keep it all in one place!

Many companies are going paperless, and this process helps make that transition easy. This is one trend you’ll want to follow. Streamline your processes, cut costs, and support the environment, all by using Employee Navigator.

Have questions? We’re here for you! Contact GRA Benefits Group today.

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