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How a Risk Analysis Prevents HIPAA Penalties

A risk analysis is the first security requirement of HIPAA. The government is cracking down on organizations who fail to complete risk analyses. Not performing a security risk analysis was one of the biggest compliance failures of the government’s audit program. Nearly two-thirds of entities audited were found to have no complete or accurate risk analyses.


Stronger Fines for HIPAA Violations

The government is now issuing stronger fines for breaches by companies lacking an up-to-date risk analysis. By performing a risk analysis you will lessen your risk of a breach and lessen the government-issued fines.  Risk analyses should be performed as new technology and business operations are planned and implemented.

The government recommends having risk analyses performed by a third-party vendor to ensure objectivity and thoroughness. If done properly, a risk analysis will help you prevent breaches and thus impromptu audits by the government.

Conducting a formal risk analysis could require days and multiple employees. The PHI365 team only requires 1-2 hours of your time to complete our analysis. The compliance experience can be overwhelming and daunting. Working with the PHI365 team makes the process simpler and less time-consuming.

Contact us to learn more.