phi365-logo-featuredLansing, Mich. (May 31, 2016) GRA Benefits Group LLC, announces new PHI365 software to help make HIPAA compliance more convenient and bearable for insurance professionals across the country.

Agencies continue to face the ongoing challenges of HIPAA compliance. A rise in PHI data breaches, stolen laptops and employee negligence are becoming daily occurrences.  The next round of HIPAA compliance audits will turn CMS attention on insurance professionals. To maintain compliance with the law and avoid costly fines, agencies must perform a risk analysis, document procedures on how PHI is handled, and monitor their business associates.  However, all of this can add up to an exorbitant amount of agency time and money.

“Insurance professionals are often overwhelmed with current ACA challenges,” said GRA President Mike Ramsby. “They don’t have time to determine what HIPAA document templates mean, let alone complete them. PHI365 removes this burden for our broker clients.  They spend about 2-4 hours with our implementation process, which includes completing a PHI365 survey and reviewing the risk analysis and HIPAA documents. We make it painless and convenient.”

GRA Benefits Group, an industry leader in insurance services for brokers, recently launched their new PHI365 software to make HIPAA compliance convenient and painless. Brokers complete an online questionnaire about issues relevant to their organization’s HIPAA practices. GRA HIPAA consultants review the answers for content and then use the results to generate a HIPAA risk assessment and the required HIPAA compliance documents. Once this is complete, agency staff will undergo the HIPAA training that is required annually. Finally, agencies will receive three monthly newsletters for their compliance team, IT staff, and general workforce that focus on best business practices for maintaining HIPAA compliance.

“GRA’s PHI365 product is empowering,” commented GRA client Michael Harp of Michigan Group Benefits. “I feel my company and client data are now better protected. GRA was very knowledgeable and continues to help me reach HIPAA and HITECH compliance.”

To learn more about PHI365 and HIPAA compliance, please call 800-678-4456 or visit for more information.

About Michael Ramsby

Founder and President of GRA Benefits Group, Michael is a 15-year veteran of the insurance industry. With a strong background in sales and service, he understands the complexities of the insurance market. Michael’s belief in the value of employee benefit agencies led to his vision to help agents and brokers improve their daily practices by developing a set of key services to support them – Agency ConciergePHI365 and 1Bill.

About GRA Benefits Group

GRA Benefits Group provides customized services to insurance agents and brokers across America. With Service with Care as their philosophy, GRA Benefits Group specializes in these three service areas: Agency Concierge – Personalized Benefit Call Center, PHI365 – HIPAA Consulting, and 1Bill –Consolidated Billing and Eligibility Management. For more information, please call 800.678.4456 or visit